Lucas Taylor is the G.O.A.T. There aren’t enough words to describe how amazing our experience was with him. Lucas litigated our case more than any other lawyer probably would’ve. During hearings, facing the State, he would list off rulings and laws at the top of his brain with no hesitation. His knowledge is astounding and his confidence inside the courtroom is unmatched. If it wasn’t for Lucas, my fiancé would be facing prison time. Lucas took on our case, seeing the weak holes the State had, and did his absolute best to get my fiancé acquitted. His advice and intelligence throughout our case led to my fiancé being acquitted of three charges, one being a felony. During the jury trial, Lucas displayed the facts of our case beautifully and strategically. He objected when necessary and didn’t let the State play their lawyer games without calling them out on their petty tries. Not to mention the theatrics he displays, he truly goes into every hearing with his whole heart and mind. He prepares intensely, and leaves no I un-dotted or t uncrossed. If you’re needing a lawyer who will be honest and upfront with you, do the work(and then some) you’re paying him to do, go above and beyond to explore every avenue of the case and all of the possible outcomes, Lucas Taylor is your attorney. Our family is forever indebted with gratitude for the work and dedication Lucas extended to our family during this long and grueling process. He is the perfect amount of confidence, intelligence, realness, and “tell it like it is.”