Representative Cases

Conviction Overturned.
Iowa Supreme Court Case No.22-0903
The Iowa Supreme Court reversed a decision that Lucas’ client was sexually motivated in committing the offense of harassment. Prior to Mr. Taylor’s appeal, the Iowa Supreme Court had never addressed this statute or issue. The client was compelled to register as a sex offender for a period of ten years, which resulted in a variety of adverse consequences. The court agreed that the prosecution failed to present adequate evidence of sexual motivation and that the court’s decision was predicated on unsubstantiated inferences. Additionally, the court concurred that the decision would lead to a broad definition of what constitutes “sexually motivated” behavior.
Suppression of Evidence Upheld.
Iowa Supreme Court Case No.23-0858
Mr. Taylor successfully argued to the trial court that the police had violated his client’s right to contact family or legal counsel, which is in violation of Iowa Code Section 804.20. The State of Iowa argued to limit this right if police deemed the situation too “dangerous.” Since it was a novel issue, the Iowa Supreme Court accepted and reviewed the case. Mr. Taylor argued during oral arguments that the State of Iowa’s stance would significantly restrict this right, thereby effectively isolating Iowans from the outside world by preventing them from contacting family or legal counsel before the police conduct an interrogation. The Supreme Court agreed with Mr. Taylor in upholding the suppression of his clients’ statements to law enforcement.
Acquittal at Trial on Robbery 1st Degree.
Polk County Case No. FECR306318
The client was charged with two counts of Robbery in the 1st Degree, each a Class B Felony. The client was facing a maximum of up to 50 years in prison. Mr. Taylor thoroughly investigated the matter, including defending against an eyewitness identification and a canine leading police to a suspect. Mr. Taylor vigorously litigated pretrial motions and the matter ultimately proceeded to a jury trial. Mr. Taylor argued to the jury that the identification procedure was so inherently suggestive to the point it was completely unreliable. He was also able to instill doubt regarding the officer and the canine unit alerting to the alleged suspect. He accomplished this through aggressive cross-examination and experienced argument. Mr. Taylor’s thorough and skillful questioning demonstrated the holes in the prosecution’s case, which ultimately led to a full acquittal in favor of his client.
Acquittal at Trial on Assault on a Police Officer.
Polk County Case No. SRCR347609
Mr. Taylor’s client was an activist attending a protest at the Iowa State Capital. The client attempted to gain the attention of a police officer who arrested the client. Mr. Taylor thoroughly investigated the matter and uncovered the officer had altered police reports to change crucial details and paint the client as the aggressor. Mr. Taylor aggressively cross-examined the officer at trial regarding the inconsistencies and changed reports. The jury found the client not guilty on all charges.
Acquittal at Trial on Felony Child Endangerment, Aggravated Assault and Assault Causing Bodily Injury.
Marshall County Case No. FECR097717.
The client was wrongfully accused of child abuse after unfortunate series of events. The charges were filed by a police detective who misunderstood medical reports. Mr. Taylor argued several pretrial motions to ensure that important and pertinent evidence would be allowed at trial. Mr. Taylor secured the services of an expert witness, an experienced and respected doctor, who testified conclusively that abuse was not possible based upon all available evidence. The jury found the client not guilty on all counts.
Dismissal at Trial on Arson 1st Degree.
Polk County Case No. FECR310446
The client was charged with Arson 1st Degree, a Class B Felony. The client was facing a maximum of up to 25 years with a minimum of 17 years in prison. Mr. Taylor retained a fire investigation expert who was able to demonstrate that the client could not have committed the crime even though a video showed the client being near the fire when it started. However, the case was dismissed prior to it be submitted to the jury. Mr. Taylor, after exhaustive research, successfully argued the video was unfairly edited and violated the client’s constitutional rights. After the judge agreed with Mr. Taylor, the prosecution was forced to dismiss the case at trial.
Acquittal at Trial on Dependent Abuse, Sexual Exploitation of Adult Dependent.
Case No. Withheld
Client was charged with Dependent Abuse, Sexual Exploitation of Adult Dependent. After depositions were conducted and a complete investigation, Mr. Taylor was able to obtain records that demonstrated the accuser had changed their story several times and he discovered exculpatory evidence. After the prosecution refused to dismiss the matter, the case proceeded to a jury trial in which Mr. Taylor’s client received a not guilty verdict on all charges against him.
Acquittal at Trial on Sex Abuse 3rd Degree.
Warren County Case No. Withheld
The client was charged with Sexual Abuse in the 3rd Degree and Domestic Abuse by Strangulation and Injury, a Class C and D felony respectively, as well as the lessor offense of misdemeanor assault. The client was facing a maximum of 15 years in prison. The matter proceeded to a jury trial after the prosecution refused to drop the sexual abuse 3rd degree charge. During trial, Mr. Taylor employed a unique legal strategy that allowed admission of exculpatory evidence without subjecting his client to relentless questioning from the State. The evidence introduced showed the accuser made the claims for financial gain and Mr. Taylor’s client received a not guilty verdict on the Sexual Abuse 3rd charge and Domestic Assault by Strangulation.
Acquittal at Trial on Child Endangerment and Domestic Assault.
Clarke County Case No. AGCR015041
The client was charged with Child Endangerment. The matter proceeded to a jury trial. The prosecution attempted to bring in unlawful evidence, but Mr. Taylor successfully argued to the Court that this evidence should be excluded. Mr. Taylor’s client was found not guilty by the jury on all charges against him.
Dismissal of Operating While Intoxicated After Court Grants Motion to Suppress.
Mahaska County Case No. OWIN111103.
The client was charged with Operating While Intoxicated Second Offense and Possession of Controlled Substance. Mr. Taylor filed a Motion to Suppress Evidence, alleging that the Client’s constitutional rights were violated during the investigation. After numerous briefs and motions filed arguing the case, the Court sided with Mr. Taylor and his client and the prosecution was forced to dismiss the case.
Lucas Taylor, Iowa Criminal Defense Attorney
If you are charged with arson, Lucas Taylor, Criminal Defense Attorney can fight for your rights to ensure you get the best outcome in your case. Lucas Taylor can push back against any accusations, utilizing his skill and experience in the courtroom to vigorously defend his clients. Lucas Taylor also utilizes skilled professionals in his investigations and providing expert testimony. We represent those accused in Des Moines, Polk County, Marion County, Dallas County, Warren County, Story County, Madison County, and throughout the State of Iowa.
Call us today at (515) 282-8637 to set up a free consultation.